Historic London Pubcast
Take a deep dive into the fascinating history, characteristics and people associated with some of London's most iconic pubs
Historic London Pubcast
The Albert & The Morpeth Arms: princes, prisons, spies & spirits
Two fine pubs in the Pimlico area with great legends and architecture
The following resources are referenced or quoted frequently in these episodes:
- Ted Bruning -- Historic Pubs of London (ISBN 978-0658005022) and London By Pub (ISBN 978-0658005022)
- Wikipedia
- https://londonspubswherehistoryreallyhappened.wordpress.com/ by Ann Laffeaty
Additionally, the following resource(s) were used in researching this episode:
MillbankPrison from the air: https://grupaok.tumblr.com/post/61441668673/millbank-penitentiary-london-aerial-view-1891
Intro music:
Vivaldi - Spring Allegro by John Harrison w/ the Wichita State University Chamber Orch
Matt Brown, Lic: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/